Unable to draw foreskin back in penis.

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I'm 19 years old and have been struggling with something going on in my genital region. I haven't been sexually active for about a year now. I've been experiencing discomfort from my penis my entire life because the foreskin has been too tight. It's not painful but it's not comfortable when trying to draw the skin back when the penis is erect and I have never successfully been able to move it back with an erection. Over the last few months I've noticed time to time a weird buildup of a milky liquid under the head. It doesn't happen every day nore is it there all the time, but If I don't shower for about a day or two it's quite possible for it to be there. I've also noticed that from time to time my penis head develops a red rash that goes away by the end of the day but it's sort of alarming. There's no pain, there's no blood, the skin just turns rather red or irritated when I clean or am picking at it. It's been something I've brought to the doctor once or twice, the first time I was told I had a yeast infection and sent home with cream that cleared it up fairly quick. The second time I was told I was fine but I would just like a third opinion. If it's nothing it's nothing but I cannot go back over and over again. Pictures are available upon request.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.com.
Your consult has been reviewed and due to its specific nature, we have requested for a Dermatologist's opinion. Hence we have upgraded your consult FREE to a 35$ specialist consult. As a result there might be further delay as the MD will need to review your case. Meanwhile, I request you to upload high resolution images of the concerned area -They will help with the diagnosis. You can upload them as follow-up.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Wish you good health! Thank you. In-house Physician, The DoctorSpring Team.

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Patient replied :

Hello, I was notified that I should include photos, these were taken today. The redness is gone away significantly since taking the photo and it looks normal once again. No idea why this happens. Hope you can help. Xx

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com. I can understand your concern.

You seem to be having yeast infection and its probably recurring due to the accumulation of smegma which is the milky liquid that you mentioned. It's an accumulation of all the secretions and the dead skin cell debris.

It would be important to get the smegma cleaned to prevent recurrence of yeast infection. In order to clean smegma you should be able to retract your foreskin.
For this you might need to visit your doctor who can probably do a small surgical procedure and correct it.

For the yeast infection, you can apply clotrimazole cream twice a day for a week and see if that resolves the redness.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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