Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
Fibroids are tumours of the smooth muscle of the uterine wall.
They occur quite frequently, in around 30 % of women before menopause.
The treatment depends on type of fibroids, number of fibroids and size.
Are you wanting to know about Esmya tablets ?
Is there a spelling mistake in what you wrote ?
Or do you wish to know in general about non surgical treatment options for fibroids ?
Are you menopausal ?
How many fibroids do you have, what size and where exactly in the uterus are they located ?
Can you upload the ultrasound scan showing fibroids ?
What are your symptoms ?
Without all this information it is difficult to guide you further.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.
Patient replied :
non smoker no allergies one surgery at giving birth no hypertension not diabetic no alcohol am menupausal and I just ultrasound and other medical doc.at support@doctorspring.com
Thank you for the reports.
There are multiple uterine fibroids.
You can try non surgical treatment first.
This includes medications such as progesterone pills, Mirena intra uterine device, urlipristal, danazol etc.
The next line includes injections such as GNrh analogues.
More than 50 % of fibroids shrink or disappear in response to this therapy.
If they dont, you can then try surgical treatment.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
Will I be able to get any of those medications without prescription by presenting medical doc.or i can
get them off the counter