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I understand your concern. The pictures that you have sent resemble some allergic reaction. Have you ever been diagnosed with allergy before? Does the spots increase during summer? Or after consumption of any particular kind of food like milk/egg/dairy products? Have you been having such spots since birth? Such spots also appear when there is an ongoing fungal infection. Based on all the above points we can decide what's the case here.
Also i want you to get a blood test. CBC with ESR. If your ESR is elevated it will point more towards allergic reaction.
You can try putting Calamine lotion on those patches for 2-3 times a day for around 2 weeks. In case its due to allergy, it should resolve.
Do get back to us with additional queries.
Patient replied :
I do notice that it is actually less during the summer. I don find it seems to increase with humidity. Of late it has been quite hot and humid and i've been sweating a lot.
The spots normally disappear over the summer as I'm usually travelling in hot dry countries for the summer months. I dont know if they're related or not.
Thanks for mentioning that.
That does make a fungal infection less likely, since they are more common in summer, when there's a lot of sweating. It mostly points towards allergy. Hence sir, you can apply calamine lotion for about 2 weeks 2-3 times daily and there should be an improvement in your symptoms. You can also take a course of ketoconazole lotion after consulting your GP.
Also get a CBC with ESR test done and upload the reports when they are ready. In case it doesn't subside with calamine, its better to consult a dermatologist who can run some tests.