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Treatment for SPONDYLITIS with back pain, CROHNS DISEASE.

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Hello. I am 37 year old female with Cronh's disease who was recently diagnosed with mild spondylitis, due to lower back pain of an inflammatory nature. My rheumatologist prescribed Humira, and I started my first dose last week.

Over the past few weeks, I have been noticing some mild upper back and chest pain that feels somewhat similar to my lower back pain. I don't have any shortness of breath or breathing issues with the pain. I don't have any neurological symptoms either.

My last MRI showed the following findings for the discs in my thoracic region:
- Disc bulging at T6-T7 is noted.
- There is central posterior disc protrusion at T11-T12 resulting in
mild narrowing of the spinal canal

Is it possible that either the spondylitis or the disc issues could be causing this upper back and chest pain?

Thank you.

Category: Rheumatologist

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 24 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I have a simple reply if you have chest pain the reason is spondyloarthritis with Chron's disease. Well the site of chest pain can be adjacent to sternum that is breast bone, this is called as costochondritis. you can have lower and lateral chest pain and pare spinal chest pain that is on the back of chest adjacent to vertebral column due to enthesitis.
Neck pain can be mix of cervical radicular pain and enthesial disorder due to spondyloarthritis.
Can you send me the mri pictures i will try to figure it out, once you do.
Awaiting your reply,

Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Senior Residency: Rhematology, All India Institute of Medical Schiences, New Delhi, 2009
Post Graduate, Junior Residency: MD (Internal Medicine), Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Jharkhand, 2006
Residency: Physiology, Institute of Medical Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2003
Internship: Government Medical College, Trichur, 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Calicut University, 2001
Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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