Treatment for SHOULDER LABRUM TEAR other than surgery.

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Resolved question:
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari,
I saw a second opinion doctor and a physician assistance. They said that I have a labrum tear which is very abnormal. It pulls all the way back. They said that was the first thing they saw on MRI which was done last April. They said it needs to be repaired. What I don't understand is why the reports shows no labrum tears. We agreed that it is the best that I have a fresh MRI test to see what is going on as of right now in my left shoulder. My biggest fear is that if I do need to have that repaired, will it make it worse? Now I have four problems, one almost completed tear in supraspinatus again, two small tears in subscapularis and infraspinatus and now the labrum tears. I had two surgeries, October of last year and February of this year. Why do they keep tearing?
Miserable (I'm changing that name to pleasebekindtome)

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at
The MRI scan do not have 100% accuracy.There are reports which shows that it is not 100% accurate-
Repair of labral tear is essential or it will lead to instabilities or arthritis later on.In post operative period you have to do exercises which will help you with recovery.Minor tear can be due to improper techniques in lifting of weight or overuse of muscles.You may supplement yourself with procollagen supplements which are available in market.These may be helpful for you.
Hope this will help you,

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Patient replied :

Thanks for responding me back. I'm just concerned about the repeating shoulder operation. Is it safe? I don't think I have ever seen anyone with repeating shoulder surgery. I just don't want to lose any more strength. I understand that it is important to have labrum tear repaired, but will I be okay? Will my arm be okay? Thanks.

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 3 Days.

Repeated surgery at joints does lead to increase stiffness at the joint.There may be decreased movement or stiffness or other complications like RSD where there may be swelling at whole limb.You may discuss about all this from your doctor.These are some examples of complication which can be avoided with proper precautions.
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

I'm just wondering what part of the shoulder is causing the problem. #1.. When I lay down on the table on my back, my elbow flexs to shoulder level and my hand is off the table by my side. I can't put my arm (elbow to hand) down on the table. My shoulder hurts so bad even a small arm bouncing. What part of my shoulder is hurting me? Is it a labrum tear? #2..Now laying on my right side with a towel under my left arm. Arm flexed with a 2 pound dumbbell. I can feel my shoulder burning up slowly and it's painful and gets tired quickly. It's on top of my shoulder and down toward my arm and also to the back of my shoulder near the scapula area. What part of the shoulder is causing the pain? #3...On my back on the table, my left arm straightened and over toward my head, the front side of my shoulder becomes painful, and immediately becomes puffy, thickness insdie of the joint when I'm doing that exercise. What part of the shoulder is causing the pain? Thanks.

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 2 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
The flexion at shoulder can be due to contracture of capsule of shoulder or it can be due to short deltoid or contracture of sub scapular muscles.
Hope that clears your doubt,

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Patient replied :

Why is my underarm and all the way to front of my shoulder hurting? Why underarm?

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 1 Day.

Hurting of under arm is due to stretching of contracted capsule.The inferior part of should joint have maximum contracted capsule of shoulder so wnenever you elevate your arm this become stretched & you feel pain.
Your case involves various issues like multiple surgeries,involvement of various tendon,RSD & others,Please involve a good orthopedic surgeon specially a shoulder specialist in your area.That will be more helpful for you.
With best wishes.

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