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Treatment for HEADACHE following unknown bite.

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I think i was bit by something. I did not feel it bite me and didn't even notice until someone told me my face was swollen on friday. The swelling has gone down though not totally gone. There is no pain really. I feel quick stings sometimes but I think they are in my head, hah. The bite doesn't itch.

The bite scabbed really fast and has now become sort of red. I've been putting polysporin on it all day.

I had a really bad headache all saturday and half of sunday. it's gone now as well. I feel pretty much healthy now.

I'm a 31yo male, 5'3 148lbs. I live in Southern, Ontario, Canada.

sorry the picture isn't the best but it was hard to take.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at

I understand your concern.
I have gone through your history and the pictures and it looks like you have been bitten by either mites or bed bugs. These are painless and one usually fails to notice them initially.
You seem to have two dark spots ( ? hyperpigmentation from old healed bites) just in front of the same ear lobe.
-Do you have any pets at home ?
-Have you been outdoors before the bite ? Or do you frequently go outdoors ?

Usually these bites are harmless. The most dangerous effect of these bites would be a severe allergic response-Anaphylaxis, which you did not have.
You manifested a mild allergy to the bite with swelling of the face. The headache could be unrelated and not significant.
In case of future bites, you need to watch out for sudden onset swelling of lips, mouth or breathing difficulty which you might be familiar with, given your history of allergies. Any one of these symptoms, requires prompt medical attention.

Since you do not have any symptoms anymore (occasional stings are nothing to worry about) , nothing more needs to be done. The bites will heal in a week and you can continue with the Polysporin. However, in case of recurrent bites, an infestation has to be ruled out.

I hope this was helpful. Please reply to the above questions and feel free to post any queries.


Patient replied :

Hi, thank you so much for your answer. It's calmed my fears down. Bit of a hypocondriac haha. I was worried it was a spider bite. I googled spider bites. big mistake :)
I do have a dog at home. Last week she was sleeping in my bed which she normally does not do. Is it possible it could have came from her? She takes a pill for fleas.
I live by the lake and frequently walk the waterfront path. I also spend a lot of time outside in the backyard.
The bite looks very similar today and i've been getting a few quick stings, sometimes hours apart sometimes seconds apart. Nothing I can't handle and can pretty much ignore them.
I've checked for a bed bug infestation and there are no signs whatsoever.
I am ready for any future bites. I've had a few close calls with peanuts so my epi-pen is always with me.

thanks again!


I am glad that my response helped you.
Don't worry, those aren't spider bites for sure. Its good to have bed bugs ruled out.
Its possible that your dog could be the source of the infestation. The pill might not be working.

I would suggest that you take her to the vet for an alternate treatment. Prevention is always better than dealing with disease and this applies to allergies too.
Also, please wash your bedding, vacuum your house and bathe your dog to physically remove these insects.

Let me know if you have further queries.

Thank you.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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