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Im working over seas as an X Pat and about 5 weeks ago, I went to see an OBGYN about a vaginal itch. After examining me, and taking an ultra sound and pap, I was told I had bacteria fluid in my cervix, and was given a RX. A few days later labs were back, and I was asked to return to the Dr, and was advised I also had Candida and was given one more drug to take. I was asked to return 7 days after I finished the meds.
While taking the meds my liver acted up, and my hair fell out a bit. But I only had two days left, and I finished the drugs and went back 7 days later. On that day she took another ultrasound and told me cervix should some improvment but that she could still see yeast. However the Dr told me she would call after results came back. When I went back a few days later for the results, I was told, I still had candida and now I also had Mirabillis too. When she wanted to give me more oral medication to take; I explained about my liver and that my gastro would speak with her before I took anything else orally. They agreed I should take IV medication. So for 7 days, twice a day, I went to the ER and they gave me meropenem by IV. Again I was told to wait 7 days after the last IV and come back for another ultrasound and pap.
Tonight I returned for those results, and was told the Candida and Mirabillis are both gone but now I have Enterobacter Aerogenes and I probably picked it up at the hospital!! The Dr wants to give me meds to treat that, but needs to speak to my gastro waiting for that to happen.....
But I am worried sick and have spent time on the confused......

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 24 Doctors Online

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You have chronic hepatitis C infection which has caused chronic liver disease. Peg interferon and Ribavirin have controlled the infection. I presume the HCV RNA was not detected 6 months after the completion of treatment which indicates that the infection is under control.
But the damage it has already caused is irreversible. If upper GI endoscopy was not done, please get it done to look for complications like esophageal varices.
Every 6 months you have to undergo ultrasound scan of the abdomen and serum alpha feto protein test.
Regarding the medications are concerned, the list of medicines is quite long to be discussed here. Even common medications like Tylenol can affect liver if taken more than the therapeutic dose. So the prudent thing to do is to avoid self medication and discuss with your gastro/hepatologist before taking any new medications.
Since the liver is already affected, you need to avoid things which can further damage the liver. This includes avoiding alcohol. Get vaccinated against hepatitis B infection. And as mentioned above do not take medications without consulting your doctor.
To improve liver functioning, you can take liver protective medications like silymarin especially if the liver panel is abnormal.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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