Tightness and pain in stomach with blood in stool

Resolved question:
I was nauseous on Saturday and weak. The previous two days before that I had not eaten enough and had drank excessively. I've got over the nausea but I still feel a tightness and slight pain in my stomach. It is constant but not severe. I have taken motilium but that has little affect as does Gaviscon. I have a slight feeling of constipation a few times during the course of the day. My stools have a noticeable but not excessive level of blood. Do I have a stomach ulcer or what do you suggest I could have? I am fit enough to work but I had this once before and it went on for two or so weeks before eventually disappearing.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

Alcohol Gastritis is a strong possibility in your case. (Similar to stomach ulcer). This is due to the combined damaged of stomach mucosa by alcohol and excess stomach acid.

You will need evaluation for this condition. For now you can take Prilosec once daily just before sleep for 14 days . Avoid spicy irritant food and of course alcohol. Any further alcohol can cause severe damage to your stomach and liver.

You will require additional tests - Liver function tests, Ultrasound and OGDscopy. This is because the bleeding could also be due to a oesophageal varies from liver involvement.

Hope this helps
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