Tests done using pap smear for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases

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Hello doctor, I simply want to know what are the tests done using pap smear, for finding out sexually transmitted diseases? Does it include genital herpes, genital warts and other similar diseases?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. Pap smear tests involves a series of tests done using pap smears. It is a procedure in which gynecologists can find out presence of certain diseases through visual examination of vagina, vaginal discharges and lesions caused by herpes. Viral infections caused by Trichonoma, Gonorrhea etc. are also found using pap smear tests. Signs of cervical cancer can also be found using pap tests. This paves way to curing cervical cancer, if detected at the early stages of cancer. Cervical cancer is caused by abnormal growth of cervical cells due to a type of human papilloma virus or HPV. It is better to conduct pap smear tests regularly to prevent a chance of cervical cancer. Hope your doubts are cleared by now. Take care.

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