testicles are swollen with a fluid

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Hello doctor,
I am a 28 years old male. From about 4 months ago, my testicles are seen swollen. I consulted with my doctor and he advised me to take a sonogram test. But it resulted in nothing. She told me that my testicles are just filled with a fluid. Now it is swollen to up to the size of a lemon. Till now no pain has been developed. But I am a little bit frustrated due to it. What to do now?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. It seems there is nothing to worry in your case because the swelling is not paining. This is usually seen in men of your age. But it should be investigated about. This can be due to a hydrocele, cyst, hernia, injury, infection, torsion etc. As your sonogram result shows that there is a fluid deposit in your testis, it might be a hydrocele. This occurs when fluid gets collected in testicular walls. This can be due to many reasons such as trauma, allergies or infections. This is a harmless issue and so, usually doesn’t require treatment. If it is enlarging, you can surgically release the fluid by incision or draw the fluid out by aspiration.

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