Test for sexually transmitted infections

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Hi doctor, I recently had myself diagnosed because I indulged into sexual intercourse with a man who I doubt might be having STI. I got the test conducted after only three days of having the intercourse. Will the test show any result? Also tell me what genital warts are because I recently saw some Pictures of genital warts.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thank you for the question. I must tell you that the test that you have conducted will not be showing any result because for any sexually transmitted infection it takes a certain number of days to show the symptoms. This number of days is referred to as the incubation period of the infection. Hence, I would suggest you to please wait for few more days and get yourself tested again in order to insure that whether you actually are affected by any sexually transmitted infection or not. Coming to you next question regarding genital warts. It is also a sexually transmitted disease which is very dangerous. It is spread by a sexually transmitted virus HPV. In this disease the person who gets affected develops clusters of warts on and around his genital areas. This can happen to both men and women. The warts are very painful as you must have seen in the Pictures of genital warts. There are various reasons which may cause such a disease in an individual. The first one is that when a person has sexual intercourse with a person who already is affected by this disease that too without any protection. Also, if someone indulges sin having close sexual contact of the genitals then also the infection can spread. Hence it is always advisable that you should ask the man with whom you would be having sex to wear proper protection such as condoms in order to be on the safer side. I hope your doubts are cleared. Take care.

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