Symptoms of STI’s like HPV and HSV and ways to prevent them

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Hello doctor I had a smear test which showed that I have CIN3 cells and the loop treatment is necessary to move these infected cells. Even I have to go for another smear test in this month. From around 6 years I am with my boyfriend and small lumps are there on his penis since past few time. We both are having doubt whether it is due to HPV. I am worried and also want to know that whether it is because for me as till my knowledge lumps on penis and all are the symptoms of HPV and tell me till how much time it HPV remain undetected before because mostly times we go through sexual intercourse and don’t use any protection but I use pills. These symptoms came in existence from recent time. Why symptoms took a long time of 6 years to show effects on my boyfriend.Is there any genital warts seen?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern, Yes it is possible that may be you have transmitted HPV in your boyfriend as It is a sexually transmitted infection. As HPV is a sexually transmitted infection so many times it may remain in the system without showing any such symptoms and possibly it may result in decrease in the immunity of the body of patient. There are few other STI’s also like HSV so it will be better if your boyfriend go through tests for these also. There are not as such genital warts seen.This other STI’s are also responsible for symptoms likelumps on the penis. It will be better if you start using some sort of barrier protection to prevent such STI transmission. There are many options for this like condoms and many more. Take care.

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