Swollen eye with pain after surgery for CATARACT.

Resolved question:
please i want an ophthalmologist to answer my question.thank you.
someone fingered my eye some years ago and i did not take any medication but after some months i started feeling some pains in the eye and when i visited the hospital i was told that i had a cataract due to injury and that it has damaged the eye and that they will operate on the eye which they did but since after the operation it has been hell for me.the eye hots and pains me nearly every day and i have visited other hospital and they all continue to say there was complication during the operation.the eye that was operated on has swollen more than the other eye whereby you can easily say that i have a eye problem when you see me from afar.suddenly the other eye has started paining me and also hots me and some times blur and i have been warned of glaucoma of the hospital i visited but am confused i do not know what to do.
i have taken pilocarpine 2.0% eye drop for the swollen eye,diamox tablet and timolol and also timoeye for eye pressure.
please help recommend tablet or drug for me that will take away the pains and hotness of the eye and most especially for the other eye to be preserved and possibly how the swollen eye can come down
thank you sir/madam

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Ophthalmologist

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 4 Days.

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
The issue of raised pressure & its control by a medication is totally dependent on how much is the eye pressure. So its totally a treatment that can be done in a hospital, because if the pressure is very high we might have to give injectable medication to control the pressure & finally to control the pain , so kindly visit a glaucoma specialist who can first measure the the pressure & take the necessary treatment as per his guidelines. Please follow-up with the reports.

Dr Manish Malhotra
Consultant Eye Surgeon

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Patient replied :

thank u for your response but the pressure has been betwwen 18-30 and most times it has stood at 25.
please if there is any drug or eye drop recommendation you can help me with it for the pain and the hotness.
thank you

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 3 Days.

Dear Sir,
The normal pressure is between 10-21 mm Hg , if the range you talk about 18-30 is not at all normal. Was a visual field done , what is the cup disc ratio , these are important questions to be answered , as glaucoma is a blinding disease , please consult a glaucoma specialist , & provide with the above details , the medication has to be regular & for life long. You have been on multiple drugs and they have not helped. You should shift to prostaglandin analogues.

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