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Swelling, puffiness on knee. MENISCAL TEAR?

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I have noticed that the top left quadrant of my left knee is swollen, it looks puffy or puffed out. A few days ago my left knee was acting as it was about to give out on me, it does it at times. I am overweight and so that does not help with the issue I know. What are some possibilities that could be causing the swelling or puffiness in that part of my knee and causing it to give out on me at times? Could it be a meniscus tear? How do I treat this? I think it is part of the left top of the knee bone that is swollen. My left knee has popping in it too as I can feel it pop when feeling it. And sometimes, once in a while there can be a loud pop.

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 20 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
Looking at your detail about your left knee it looks that you may have tear or laxity of ACI ligament at your knee.This ligament maintain stability at our knee.This may be a reason of swelling at your knee.You should have MRI investigation of knee which will be able to tell about your problem.
In other knee due to over weight there may be changes at cartilage which are giving you these problems.
I will advice you to reduce your weight and do knee strengthening exercises.
Hope this will help you.

Patient replied :

What do you mean by laxity of th ACL ligament? Suppose if that was the case with my knee, how is that usually treated?

If your ACL ligament are lax it may be due they have suffered injury from stretch or hyperextension of the knee joint. This can be treated by surgery, by pinhole surgery or by open methods. Better method is to do pinhole surgery.
Hope this will help.
Feel free to discuss if you have any questions

Patient replied :

So I can have a torn ACL by being overweight/obese? I know my weight puts wear & tear on my knees. I played catcher in softball years ago when I was a teen & so I know that probably wore my knees out too. My right knee, these last few days has been giving me fits more so than the left one. When I stood up out of a chair a few nights ago, my knee collapsed on me. I know something is there when it is moved a certain way. Is it possible I have no cartilage left in my knees? What would be some symptoms I would have if I have no cartilage left? What can be done surgery wise to fix it?

Thank you for your follow-up.
Kindly get a MRI of your knee to assess the status of cartilage.
I can give you an opinion based on that.
It won't happen that you will have no cartilage left. But the collapse of the knee can be explained by overweight or obesity.

Patient replied :

What do u mean by laxity? My doctor told me that I have a little fluid on my knee & that it is not my meniscus. I will be doing physical therapy on it soon. Thanks

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Hope this communication was fruitful. Wish you good health.
Thank you
In-house Physician

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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