Swelling of the breast associated with pain before periods

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I am going through a tough month (psychologically) and I am not quite sure whether all that's occurring to me is a result of stress or just coincidences. During the last week I got hemorrhoids (confirmed by a doctor) for the first time of my life, discovered a lump on my right breast (had it checked, including ultrasound check - excuse me if this is not the term, I am not a native speaker - turned out it was just swollen because of the oncoming period), today that I got my period, I was in so much pain that I got painkiller for the first time and finally, I fainted on the bus on my way home (meaning I completely lost my senses for some seconds).Let me note I did a transatlantic flight after my last period, which, however, I only expected to delay the period, not make it more painful. I would also like to inform you my cycle is not stable at all, it varies from 32-40 or even more days.My age is 22, my last blood test was 6 months ago and everything was normal. I usually have low blood pressure. I am 1.70 m tall and weight 51 kg (for the last 6 years).Could all that be from stressing too much or should I worry it might be something else?Thank you.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

You do sound stressed but symptoms that you are describing are not related to each other. Let me try to explain so you could get a clearer picture. The swelling in the breast associated with tenderness during periods is commonly known as cyclical mastalgia. This usually occurs prior to your menstrual cycle. Here before the onset of menstrual cycle, there is a peak of estrogen levels and progesterone peaks by the 21-st day of the cycle. Due to the fluctuation of the hormones, normal cyclical aberration causing generalized enlargement .It exaggerates hormonal effects on glands and stroma. Breast pain can be due to various causes like fibroadenosis, breast cyst. This is a normal condition so there s nothing to worry about. The fatigue is because of the severe pain. I could suggest a few remedies to reduce the pain such as:

a) Oil of evening primrose oil once a day for six months. It contains gamolenic acid that reverses saturated to unsaturated fatty acids.

b) Capsule Danazol 100mg twice a day for 4- 6 months. However if you are planning on getting pregnant, this should be avoided.

c) Vitamin B6 and E can also be used once a day for 6 months.

d) Painkillers like ibuprofen twice a day during the periods

Try this you should feel better. In regard to your question on hemorrhoids this is probably due to chronic constipation, straining, low fiber diet. You can feel better by increasing the fiber in your diet and using a local anesthetic agent like Lignocaine 2% cream. Hope this helps.

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