Resolved question:
Hello, this may seem weird but I haven't been wanting to tell my parents and so I have dealt with it for 4 years now. One day I walked into wal mart, and I felt completely stoned from like a marijuana high. I use to smoke marijuana but was not high that day and just all of a sudden I felt completely stoned and it literally never went away. It's 4 years later and I still can't act straight. i'm still completely stoned literally all day. I haven't felt sober for years now. It's the exact same high as marijuana because I know what it's like to be on marijuana. The reason i quit smoking was because I felt high all the time and if I smoked it would add on to my original feeling high all the time feeling. And it's not a buzz or a little high, it's like completely stoned feeling. The first year I had a terrible time walking and talking straight and I would talk loud, etc. but now I can act a little more straight but not completely. It's so much harder to concentrate because when I talk to people or go anywhere all I can think about is I feel so high and i can't concentrate. It's so hard living like this. I'm 18 now and something needs to be done about this. I don't have a lot of money though to see someone. I would though if needed. I just want to feel sober again. I feel as if this has almost ruined my life. I have been turned down from interviews and everything because I know I did terrible because I feel so high I can't act straight. Please help. This is much appreciated.
4 Days
Family Physician-GP
Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.
I would to know some additional information from you so that I can provide a more learened opinion. I have discussed your concern with our team Neurologist and here the additional queries we have.
1. Ever had a history of seizure / involuntary movements ?
2. Again to confirm - any significant medical or surgical illness ?
3. Any drug abuse / addiction ?
4. Any thought distortion ? / Feeling of commanding by a third party ?
If possible please be more specific about the symptoms (what exactly do you mean when you say 'high;.
You can reply aa a followup.
Thank you
Thank you for the reply. No I have no past medical problems. Never had seizures, etc. I do not feel commanded from a third party. Also i do not have a drug abuse problem. I haven't used any drugs for years. I have no thought distortion either. What i mean by feeling high is literally how I would feel as if I were sober, and I smoked a lot of marijuana. It feels just like a marijuana high. I haven't told my father because this is just weird but I have come to the decision i'm fed up with living like this. I feel as if my life has been ruined. Something needs to be done. I haven't felt sober for 4 years now. But my high feels the exact same as a marijuana high does. I really hope your team can come up with a legit solution. i have faith in you guys. What do you recommend I should do? How do i get rid of this feeling of always feeling stoned? Thank you.
Thank you for the additional details. Unfortunately we won't be able to give you one stop solution. But can definitely guide you in the right direction. You will need a baseline evaluation to find out the cause of this.
This should include Complete blood count, Thyroid function tests,B12 folic acide levels, Carotid Vessel doppler, MRI of the Brain. A formal Psychiatric assessment should also be done. All these tests need not be done at a time. A complete neurological examination has to be done, which is to be followed by these tests (based on the findings).
You should get in touch with a Internal Medicine Specialist or Neurologist for this purpose. Meanwhile you should start some aerobic exercises for 20 minutes a day. Take a Bcomplex supplement once a day.
Hope this helps
Thank you
Would it be expensive to do all of that? Could all of this just be in my head and nothing major? Thank you for your help. Also, which step do you recommend I take first? Again, thank you for the help.
I recommend a Psychiatric and Neurological evaluation. Other tests need to be done only after these if required.(As mentioned earlier). I cannot comment on the cost, but if you do not have insurance MRI is going to be costly.
DO get in touch with your Doctor.
Thank you