Patient replied :
I went for the test for the first time as just a casual test, i was not having any problem before this test, now also i do not have any problem in breathing or any chest pain or i do not even feel tired at the end of the day. But, only after this test (CT Angiography) i came to know that there is a plaque in the Mid LAD. So as prescribed by doctor i started taking medicines as i mentioned above. I just wanted to know within how much time it is necessary to undergo the stening angiography.
Ideally, as per guidelines you need not undergo any diagnostic test if you are asymptomatic.
Now that you have an abnormal screening test and you are not having any problem because of that blockage it is confusing.
You could either try medical therapy and get an angiography done only if you feel angina or shortness of breath on exertion or you could straightway go for an angiography and get the blockage treated if it is significant.
Angioplasty or bypass are for symptomatic relief. They do not extend life.
Since you do not have symptoms the value of angioplasty is not too great. You could try medical therapy and if symptomatic you could get angiography. If you are too scared about the blockage you could straightway go for angiography.
Dr Vivek Mahajan,
DM Cardiology.