Resolved question:
Can STD’s be contracted while using a common razor? Also enlighten me about the possibilities of having a one night stand with porn stars. Is it safe?
4 Days
This is a very important question as people have a lot of misconceptions about usage of a common razor and things related to it. To answer your question first of all you should know that STD’s are that kind of disease that are contracted when a couple have sex of any type. These are caused due to any kind of infection that lies on a male’s penis or a woman’s vagina. This could be also contracted if the female partner has some infection in her mouth and that infection can be transmitted while having oral sex. Therefore your query about contacting an STD through the use of a common razor is not to fear about but you can contract diseases which are transmitted by blood like hepatitis and HIV which better known as AIDS. The use of personal articles which may have blood on it or there are chances of intermingling of someone else’s blood leads to these diseases.
If you get a cut through one of these things that already have blood particles of other person then you are in for getting yourself contracted to blood diseases. Therefore it is necessary for people to understand this fact and you should also do that.
If you do not have sex partner then the better thing is to calm yourself down and wait because going to have one night stands with porn stars is not a sensible thing do to at all. You should look for a healthy partner instead of a porn stars because they generally contracted with different sexually transmitted disease and you can get them too. If at all it becomes necessary for you to take this step then protection is advised for your safety.