Human Papilloma virus is the causative behind genital warts and cervical cancer. There are medications available to reduce the spread and reach of HPV related warts to various parts of body. As you fear, medication you took might have interfered with your body’s immune system. This might have helped the dormant virus to become more active and cause warts in your body. But I think you need not worry much about the warts. Almost all warts are seen disappear by its own, once your body immunity is regained. Genital warts are spread by skin to skin contact and are not spread by penetrative sex only. Using condom cannot ensure 100% protection against genital warts because warts may not be seen only in the shaft of penis. It is better to abstain from sex with those who are infected, to avoid getting infected. You can refrain to sex once you got your warts treated well. But make sure that warts are completely removed and you use condoms every time you have sex. Hope my answer helps. Best wishes.