Sore eyes which hurt and are sensitive to light

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My eyes are hurting. Sore, very sensitive to light. I can barely keep them open when I'm outside in the light. I think I scratched my cornea.

A few days ago, I stayed up all night studying and the next evening I was so tired that I passed out on the couch without taking my contacts out. As a result, I had my contact in for like 3 days in a row. Also, when I woke up again, I was kind of out of it and I took out my contacts right away but not very carefully. I think that is the point at which I scratched my corneas.

I think I've scratched my corneas before, from contacts, but usually they heal very quickly. This time seems more severe. In fact, I had trouble falling asleep b/c every time my eyes would being to roll up to fall asleep, I would have pain. It';s worse in one eye than in the other, but the problem is present in both. The problem has been persisting for about 24 hours now. It seems to be getting better, but my eyes still sensitive.

My question is - do I need to go to the doctor (I would prefer not to, if it's not necessary) or can I wait to see if it clears up on its own. Is there anything I can get over-the-couter to help?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

Yes, you need to go to the Doctor. !
Usually via online consultation I would recommend home/OTC remedies for my patients as first line of treatment. But in your case I would strongly advice no to wait further and complicate.

Having contact lenses for 3 long days can be damaging to your cornea as it impairs corneal ‘breathing’ or blood delivery. (Cornea does not have a blood supply on itsown). This will result in hypoxic injury which can manifest with above symptoms. Other possibilities are corneal abrasion and lens realted keratitis.
So basically there are there possibilities. A conclusive diagnosis can only be made by an Ophthalmologist by doing an eye. Treatment is different in each condition. You may require antibiotics and cyclopaedic. Please follow these recommendations also :

1. There are no useful OTC medication and please do not user any.
2. Do no cover or patch up the eyes
3. Temporarily discontinue contact lenses
4. Avoid washing eye in ordinary water
5. If the pain is server you can take an OTC pain medication like Ibuporfen
6. Get in touch with your Doctor.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.
Thank you

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