Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com.
I understand your concern.
It looks like you might be having a stomach bug. However, you do not have to worry as it will resolve soon.
A temperature of 99.3 is just a mild rise and shouldn't be a cause for worry.
I would like a few additional details for me to guide you further.
1. Are your bowel movements regular or do you have any diarrhea or constipation?
2. Any nausea or frank abdominal pain?
3. Is there any blood or mucus in your stools?
4. Have you introduced anything new in your diet?
Meanwhile, you should take plenty of fluids, probiotic drinks/supplements and avoid excessive gas forming foods like beans, raw vegetables such as sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc.
You can take an OTC like Simethicone (Gas-X® etc) 40 mg after each meal to reduce the bloating.
I hope this helps for now. Please reply to the queries in the follow up.
Thank you.