Son with low back pain

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My son is 21 years old. Last year he started complaining about low back pain. The doctor ordered an MRi and the results came out as L4-L5 Level, there is a moderate sized left paracentral protusion.The extra diagnosis will be scaneed shortly. He started theraphy , with anti-inflamatories. He improved a liitle but not completely. We took hijm to a neurosurgeon in February of thius year and suggested surgery because no improvement was observed. We decided to wait a little longer to see if he improves, and he did but in July he complan again and another MRI was done, SEe attached diagnosis. I took him again to the neurosurgeon and he recommends surgery. I just want a second opinion. Please read all files that I will attached and giv me your recomendations. Thanks.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Neurosurgeon

Expert:  Dr. Goutham Cugati replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

As per the first MRI report your son had a borderline nerve compression due to disc prolapse. His symptoms were partially relieved with treatment. But on reviewing the recent MRI report, he has a significant compression at 2 levels. I do not think medical or physical therapy will do much benefit. Surgery is strongly recommended. You should discuss with your Surgeon regarding this and go for it

Hope this helps
Thank you

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Patient replied :

Can you tell me if this surgery will have any future consequences like numbness in is legs, or any other part of his body or any other not related with numbness? Will he be able to do any exercises after this surgery, in other words can he go back and do the same activities that he did before without any repercussions. He's so young that's why I'm a little concerned.

Expert:  Dr. Goutham Cugati replied 3 Days.

Hello again,

If the surgery is not done then he might have persistent pain, weakness of foot and toes or numbness of the foot. He needs to undergo the surgery to prevent him from having these. Getting him operated by experienced neurosurgeon (Microneurosurgery), he should be all well in 10 - 15 days after the surgery.

There will be few limitations in his activities(which the operating surgeon will elaborate) for few months after which he can do all his activities as before. After sometime he need to do few exercises to make his spine muscles strong and prevent such problems in future.

with regards

Dr Goutham Cugati
Consultant Neurosurgeon

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