Soft palate is burnt with red dots with pain.

Resolved question:
Hello last week I was on vacation and I burnt my mouth pretty bad, my whole soft palate was burnt with a bunch of red dots. My hard palate still has a burn marks but nothing hurts at all. I also burnt my tongue and where the white is on the sides, it was a thick yellowish-white coat. There are also small bumps on the middle of my tongue where it is darker. Last time I had a spot like that my hard palate it stayed for about 2 weeks then went away. Does anything look possible to mouth cancer? I did use smokeless tobacco for about 3 years then Ive been off it for a month. I am a 21 year old male. I will attach pictures. Does this look like a burn or anything else? And how come my tongue has the white part when it used to be yellowish-white. (May I add when I was on vacation I was very dehydrate as I drank a lot of alcohol and not a lot of water, and I was very intoxicated when I burnt my mouth.) There are also no bumps the spot on my hard palate is smooth and has no pain or discomfort, it's just red.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

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Patient replied :

Hello, so I took a picture of my hard pallet now and the raised bump on the left side has pretty much gone away all there is, is some redness a little on the left but some on the right too. Nothing hurts, burns, itches, or anything. Over the weekend the redness went away so maybe I irriated it. Does this look like mouth cancer at all or should I stop looking and worrying about it and leave it be? Or does this look normal and maybe I have just never noticed it before? Sorry for the bad angle in the picture I couldn't flip it.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

It looks like a normal palate nothing to worry.
But the posterior part of the palate ( the area just in front of the swallowing area) looks little different in color and texture- from normal situations.
But if there are no symptoms, nothing to worry, ignore this issue.

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Patient replied :

Great thank you. I actually just burnt my whole mouth again at least I'm pretty sure it was a burn because it was completely red but seems to be settling down. I'll upload a picture is this burn possible like this? Or could it be something else? My tongue still feels burnt. I don't believe I have any other symptoms, I have lost my voice but was because I was on vacation and yelled to lose it. My tongue also has that white coating right in the middle towards the back. I was on vacation and also drank a whole lot of alcohol and was most likely dehydrated the whole trip if that may be a cause?Thank you.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

If it is settling down now, it is definitely an inflammation as a reaction to hot or something irritating you ingested. It should subside in a few days. Nothing to worry about. If you develop any symptom revert back. Hope it helps.
Thank you

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Patient replied :

Did the pictures I sent you just look like burns? This happened about 3 days ago but like I said I was drunk when it happened but I do remember eating something really hot on vacation. Also the back/middle of my tongue has raised bumps I guessed they're taste buds and on the side of the area is a white yellow coating. Is that due to healing process or something? Sorry for all the questions just making sure it's just from me burning my mouth. I'll upload a picture of my tongue as wel

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

Ok, thats great knowing that there are no symptoms in that area.
Anyways avoid extremely hit and spicy food till the area heals completely and also to stop smoking , as smoking can cause heat and thd fumes irritate these areas and delay in healing.
Take care

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