Smell like poop all the time

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Hello I'm 21 and I have a problem. It's happened all my life and I'm not sure why it happens but it's getting me depressed and I won't to get rid of it. I smell like I've pooped myself almost all the time. I've changed my diet so many times but nothing changed. I check my underwear and I can see nothing? I'm not sure what's happening but people always say I smell even after I get out the shower? I really need help because it's making my life so hard but I'm too scared to go to the doctors. Please help !


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

I understand this persisting body order can be troublesome and frustration.

I need to know some additional information from you before I proceed further.

1. Do other people universally mention this body order (friends , family , all of them) ?
2. Do you feel the smell is intense at some locations ? as in arm pit, pubic area ?
3. Is there some things that intensifies the smell ? (like sweating / drinking coffee etc)

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