Resolved question:
I have small white bumps on the upper side of my lip, about 1mm in diameter at the largest, they run from the left to the right side on my upper gums. They aren't red nor do I have any kanker sores. I did have protected sex the day before, but I am worried at this time. I do not know if I have Fordyce or if my brain is trying to cause symptoms
4 Days
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I will request you to send a few high resolution zoomed out pictures of the small bumps you have developed.
Small white bumps on the upper side of lips can be fordyce spots, which mostly arise during puberty. It can also be just an allergic contact dermatitis, or bacterial infection. Once i see the image, i can give you a proper diagnosis.
Did you have any unprotected oral sex?
Kindly reply as a follow up.
I have not had unprotected sex in a long time. The last time I had it was when I was with my wife at the time. Any sex in the last 3 years old patienthas been protected, which is also why I'm just concerned.
I have enclosed 3 pictures, one close up and 2 zoomed out.
Thanks for posting your query.
I can understand your concern.
You have fordyce's spots. These are ectopic sebaceous glands. That means these are normal oil glands in an unusual place.
These do not require any treatment and will not cause any harm to you. However, they could be of cosmetic concern. The treatment for them would be burning them off, however they have a tendency to keep coming back.
Please let me know if you have any queries.
Take care