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Small lump in breast but all clear in MOMMOGRAM.

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Last year I went to gynocologist for a small lump in left breast . I was 56 yrs old post menapausal. I was sent to a breast center. The breast center said they didn't see anything all clear . A few weeks later I thought I couldn't feel the lump and more. . Last month I went for another mammogram all clear a great report. This month I felt the lump is back it feels just about the same size. Also feeling intermitten pain in my right armpit and side of breast. Changing bras has helped with the pain. I have moved and switched gyncologist , she gave me a a very good breast exam. And said I have a fibrocystic breast and a very small lump which she feels is benign. She wants me to come back in 4 weeks for recheck to see if it's gone if not ultrasound. I said I would like to do the ultrasound right away but she assured me by the way it feels this was nothing to worry about.
My question should I wait one more month. Also the breast center just sent a letter that my breasts have alittle scattered dense ness. The second box was marked. Everything I read says post menapausal fibrocystic breasts are uncommon.
Thank you so much,
Michele C.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 22 Doctors Online

Hello Michele,
Thanks for posting your query at
Could you possibly upload the report that you received from the breast centre.
One more thing - did the breast centre perform an exam and a mammogram, or was a scan done too ?
Could you upload the clinical notes of the examining gynecologist also ?
Also please tell me a bit more about the lump.
How big is it ?
Where exactly is it in relation to the breast ?
Is it freely mobile or tethered ?
Is it tender / painful ?
Do you have any ominous personal / family history of cancers ?
Please write back with these details so that I can guide you in a better manner.
Also, one more thing - since how long are you post menopausal ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.

Patient replied :

Im not very good with the computer. I would not know how to send it if I got it. I went to them just for this last year. They knew where it was. The doctor came out and said. They see nothing and it was all clear. Last month mammogram report the gynocologist said could not have been better. The lump if your looking at my breast is at 9 o'clock. Left of the nipple .. There are rubbery nodules all around but the lump is alittle softer almost like it's filled with fluid. Smaller then a dime but alittle bigger then eraser head and seems round. At first I coun't tell wether it moves. I think it does I feel it one minute then it kind of squishes away. In my forties I had a lump very similar exactly same spot in right breast. I don't have pain with new lump pain just intermitten soreness in both but mostly right side. There is no Cancer in my family that I know of . Except colon cancer in my moms grandfather and grandmother in their eighties and my father passed at 78 from leukemia. I first had my period 11 and half. Stopped at 52. Last year I took birth control for endometriosis from 51 to 52. . One child at 32 . I was over weight for years buy last year changed my diet lost 40 pounds exercise and lots of vegies. Thank-you do much for your time.

Thank you so much for the updates.
Try and get somebody to upload the reports, but its okay if you cannot.
You have tried to tell me as much as you can.
Now for your questions.
Yes, fibrocystic breasts are rare after menopause.
They are basically hormone dependent, and hence, very rampant during the menstruating years.
But yes, they are not unheard of after menopause.
ANd what you describe, very typically sounds like fibrocystic breasts.
One minute there, the next minute not palpable.
That is classic.
And yes, you have had a reassuring mammogram recently.
So yes, you can wait one more month.
Your report states that you have dense breasts, so some women have more density in the breasts even after menopause, and so fibrocystic change is possible with dense breasts.
Your gynec gave you a thorough exam, and if she found anything even slightly ominous or sinister, she would have insisted on a scan right away.
So yes, wait for a month, nothing will happen.
Also, wear nice fitting bras, that hold your shape, yet let you breathe.
Avoid underwires or too tight bras.
Stick to cotton / wicking soft fabric instead of synthetic fabrics.
Avoid caffeine, nicotine, drinking, and too much fat in your diet ( dairy ).
Take Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil supplements, they are known to help with fibrocystic breast symptoms.
Also, ensure a regular exercise regimen.
You can keep me posted on what happens after a month in terms of the exam and scanning.

Hope this answer helped you.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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