Small blisters, purplish swollen penis after sex. HERPES?

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My girl friend told me a couple of day ago she had a herpes outbreak when we had unprotected sex a week ago

I notice just now on my penis that the bottom of head (the ridge line) it is slightly purplish and may a bit swollen

Doctors closed now, urgent care close now - should I go to the emergency room to get diagnosis and treatment before it gets worse?

Bad news - I see some very small blisters under magnification


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Since herpes is extremely contagious and more so at times of the outbreak, it is better that you confirm the diagnosis as soon as possible.
So i will recommend you go to the ER and get yourself tested for both HSV-1,2 IGG and IGM.
If it comes out to be positive, Acyclovir can be started right away. It will control the outbreak and also reduce the intensity of the disease process.
Meanwhile if it is possible, i request you to also upload a high resolution image of the swollen part.
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

thanks I'll go the ER
Hard to get a good picture in any case.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.

Since you are going to the ER, get yourself tested for both Herpes 1, and 2. In many cases both of them co exist in the same person, even though there won't be separate outbreaks as such.
Also confirm with her if she had any previous history of other STIs. ( Chlamydia/ Gonorrhoea ).
In that case an entire STD panel will be a prudent choice.

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Patient replied :

Thanks for the help - ER doctor said it looked OK and I worried about nothing. But running some blood work whichwill know for sure. Meanwhile he gave me 10 days of 3x Acyclovir just to be sure.
I'll close it after this final note

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