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Severe and disabling symptoms diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome

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hi...i have been having a lot of severe and disabling symptoms diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or an admission dr. does not really know what is happening...

i have severe, unrelenting fatigue...there is a lot of pain all over and tingling in arms and legs, nausea, extremely severe headaches/migraines in back of neck and radiating all over head and down shoulders. also weakness, dizziness, insomnia, throat problems, pain all over, vision problems....etc...the symptoms are completely disabling and severe and there are so many symptoms, always bad but wax and wane from bad to impossible to cope with. the pressure in my head is unbearable, it feels like there is something there in back of head pressing down on something and that is what is causing the symptoms...

i enclose some images i have of a mri done last year....the mri was done for something unrelated but someone mentioned a neurologist should look for a chiari appt. is weeks away and came here to get some suggestions or insights as to what may be going on with me.

Category: Neurosurgeon

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 32 Doctors Online


Thank you for posting your query.

First of all, I would like to reassure you that your MRI images of brain are normal and there is no disease as per those images (however, I should point out that all images were not present here, as full MRI would have about 100 images). Also, if you have a radiologist report on MRI, you can send it.

I also agree that your symptoms are suggestive of fibromyalgia with chronic fatigue.

Medications helpful would include pregabalin or gabapentin. In addition, please look for vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin D and vitamin B12.

I hope it helps. Please get back if there are any more queries.

Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

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