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Hi Sir, this is Tanmoy from India..

Today I got my father's (age 53yrs) coloscopy report, where few sessile polyps <0.5cm has seen in hepatic flexure. Rest of colonic mucosa is normal. No suggestion of angiodysplasia. Sample taken from polyps for biopsy, which will get after 7 days.

We are in tension, so need your advice, is there any chance of cancer. if Yes what is the risk of that? Kindly suggest the future treatment.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 4 Days.

Hi Tanmoy,
Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
As per the colonoscopy report, your father has a sessile polyp.
There are different types of polyps. Some are benign, some has the potential to develop in to cancer and a polyp can be cancerous also.
A histopathological examination has to be done to know what type of polyp it is.
Looking at the picture, it does not look cancerous. But we have to wait for the biopsy report to know what type of polyp it is and its cancer potential.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

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Patient replied :

Hi Sir,
Today we got the biposy report, attached the same.
Kindly advice is there any malignancy/ chances of malignancy is showing on the report. Also suggest the future risk and line of treatment should follow.
Regards - Tanmoy from India

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 3 Days.

Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.
As per the report, the polyp is an adenomatous polyp with some dysplastic changes. This is NOT cancer. But adenomatous polyps can lead to cancer.
Hence he has to be on periodic follow up. He needs to undergo colonoscopy every year for cancer surveillance. His gastroenterologist also would advise the same.

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Patient replied :

Today my father reviwed with all the reports with Dr. M K Goenka. As per him in colonoscopy & biopsy report few adenoma polyps with moderate dysplasia <0.5cm has seen in colon, which are not malignant. But later it can take turn into cancer. So he advised to remove all the polyps with the procedure i.e. Colonoscopic Polypectomic , which may be day care or may overnight admission require for observation, if the high bleeding happen at the time of snare.
So kindly advice your opinion on the same. Is Colonoscopic Polypectomic procedure is the only best treatment in this case? Is there any risk to turn into cancer after the procedure?
Kindly suggest if there have any best solution in within the city or may out of the city.
Regards - Tanmoy from India

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 2 Days.

Yes the best option is colonoscopic polypectomy.
I told you in the previous post that adenomatous polyps have the risk of becoming cancer and that periodic follow up is essential.
So go as per the advice by Dr.Goenka.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

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Patient replied :

Hi Sir,
As our earlier discussion, polpectomy has been done by Dr. Goenka and today I have received the Biopsy report. Refer the attached report need your advice about the future course of action on specialty and also share your opinion on the further treatment. Please mention how much percentages you feel that it can be malignant later part.
Regards - Tanmoy from India

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 1 Day.

Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.
AS per the biopsy report, it is not cancer.
But it is a precancerous situation. But fortunately, the polyp has been removed thus preventing the development of cancer later.
However he has to be on periodic follow up. Yearly colonoscopy has to be done.

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