Seizures and candida

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I'm wondering if you can help me. I had my first seizure on the 22nd of November 2013 and another one 18th December. I have seen a neurologist and had no possible answers but this evening I have been looking at Candida albicans and after looking at the symptoms I was astonished to see how many of the symptoms I actually have. I currently suffer with IBS, headaches, irritability, hyperactivity which is out of character, brain fog, rectal and vaginal itching, tired was and muscle weakness. These symptoms have slowly started over the last 3 months, headaches being the first one. I have a high intake of sugar in my diet. I have read that Candida albicans can cause seizures if there is an infection in the brain I just wanted some clarity on this really. Any help appreciated.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring

I have discussed your concern with our team Neurologist Dr.Sudhir Kumar (and hence the delay).

We would like to know whether a MRI was done at that time of seizure ? If so was it normal ? Also we would like to know whether a basic blood test panel was done, and if so was that nomal ?
What about the fasting blood sugar ?
Are on any medications now ?

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Patient replied :

I am awaiting an MRI and EEG. When I had my first seizure the doctor said that I could have an infection but didn't state why. When I had a urinanalysis my leukocytes were quite high. I haven't had my fasting blood sugars done and I am not currently on any medication however I had a course of 2 separate anti biotics which were for suspected pelvic inflammatory disease but that was after my first seizure.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you

Unless you are severely immune deficient individual you cannot get a candida infection in the brain. So do not worry. The pelvic inflammatory disease and the seizures are not related.

But the brain fog, hyperactivity, headaches need evaluation and only a MRI could give the relevant information. Based on the MRI and EEG we can rule out a lot of conditions. Further evaluation can be decided upton based on this. As of now Candidial infection (in general fungal infection) seems unlikely. But there are other infections like Cysticercosis which can cause seizure and these symptoms. These can be made out in the MRI and treated very well.

Hope this helps
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