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Resolved question:
i have a lot of strange bumps in my pubic region and on the shaft of my penis. ive been to my doctor twice initially for unexplained bruises, itching allover and back pain. the doctor then decided it was scabies for which i took invetrol (sp?) as well as the permectrin (sp?) cream. that was about a week ago. now i have red bumps confined to my pubic region that look maybe like chicken pox and aren't really itchy but are uncomfortable.

also you'll notice from the pictures i still have lots of bruises i don't know where came from around my thighs. they tend to move around but never quite heal up.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

From the pictures, it seems to be a case of scabies with a hypersensitive reaction to the mite antigen.

As a result of which you have those multiple lesions on the pubic area, thigh and penis.

I would recommend taking an anti histamine like claritin 10 mg once a day for a week.

Also application of cortisone lotion mixed with mupirocin cream twice a day on the affected areas for a week.

Repeat application of permethrin cream ten days after the first application will be advisable.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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