Routine bloodwork done by self for interpretation

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Hi, I had routine blood work done on my own, just for health check, have no primary care dr., some tests were out of range and I wanted to see if these were of great concern or what could be wrong; should I consult some specialist? Below are the abnormal tests, I had thyroid, cholesterol tests also, they were normal, thank you

WBC 13.0
Platelets 437
Neutrophils absolute 8.9
Lymphatic absolute 3.5
Alkaline phosphatase 113

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I have gone through the attached blood test results. Alkaline Phosphate of 113 IU is normal only and there is no need for any concern.

Other 'high' values are of WBCs (Total, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes) . In reality they are not high values, they are just interpreted 'high' by the computer. WBCs are supposed vary in number and it actually shows they are functioning properly. The ongoing cough (infection) could be the cause of slight high values. Same with the case of platelets.

So unless you have some usual or new symptoms there is no need for further consultaion. Alternatively you can go for a retest after 4-6 weeks when the cough is fully subsided.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

Thank you, that helps a lot. The only other thing going on that was concerning me is that I am having a lot of fluid retention, with up and down weight gain from 3 - 8 lbs overnight. This started after birth of my last child last October. Also fatigue, sorry, I forgot to mention. These are the reasons I went I for check up of blood work, I thought maybe thyroid.. If you have any insight to this problem, I would appreciate it. Thanks again!

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


Sorry for the delay in reply. Could you please make it more clear ? Why do you say that it is fluid retention ?

Is there puffiness of face, leg swelling or symptoms like that ?

Are you sure that the weight gain is 'over night'? And if so for how long it is happening ? In total how much weight you have gained ?


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Patient replied :

I lost 40 lbs after my last child was born, I weigh 175, which I have gained 15 back of previous weight loss. I weigh every day, determined not to gain all weight back... Some days weight goes up 3 lbs some days even 10. Lbs, and after couple days back to 175, my shoes get tight, where they are normally so loose about to fall off from weight loss... One of my legs at bottom obviously looks bigger than the other one, my hands swell.. My face does feel puffy at times, my socks make big indentions that stays there for a while after removing. Feels like overall puffiness.. Not all the time just when weight fluctuates upwards. I had too much fluid during most recent pregnancy Also, which water pills helped after birth... I drink a lot of water, more when weight is up, when I feel swollen.. Try not to consume too much sodium, have thyroid nodules,, one was biopsies few years ago, it was fine... That's the reason for keeping check on thyroid blood pressure stays within normal range.. I don't know why I'm doing this. Thank you again

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

This is significant weight gain. Low thyroid hormones won't make such a drastic weight gain. Drastic weight gain occurs in conditions which causes water accumulation as you rightly said.

I would recommend an evaluation in these lines :

1.Liver function tests
2.Cardiac function test (ECHO)
3.Renal function test (including urine protein).

This will rule out any major (and possible) diseases which can cause weight gain.
Please get in tough with your Doctor and discuss these options. These tests are simple and routinely available.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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