Risk of travelling with MACULAR EDEMA on LUCENTIS SHOT.

Resolved question:
Hi - I am about to start treatment for Macular Edema with Lucentis shots next week - first shot on Wednesday - I was just informed I need to travel on Tuesday and again on Thurs/Fri for work both via plane - I can not reach the doctor scheduled for next weeks shot and need to confirm travel plans but would like to know if it is even safe to travel on flights during treatment - bubble in the eye and cabin pressure worries me - alot
Any help is appreciated



Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Ophthalmologist

Expert:  Dr. Manish Malhotra replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query ar DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern
Lucentis is a drug that is injected in the eye in very small volumes , but it does or can increase the eye (intra ocular) pressures, its always best to either postpone the travel or postpone the injection . You can fly anytime after 1 week of Lucentis
Feel free to discuss further

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