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Resolved question:
Dear Doctor,

I am a man age 40, had anal sex with my wife around 7 days before for the first time.

I wanted to know is there any risk of infections from anal sex.

We both are free from any infectious diseases.

But I feel some kind of discomfort in my panis, there is no pain , no discharge, no burning while passing urine.

My question is can I or she get any bacterial infections or any other risk ?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 4 Days.

Dear Sir,

You do not seem to be suffering from any infection at this point of time.
Anal sex certainly leads to increased chances of getting infection, in both partners.
However, it does not mean that you have to get it; a lot of couples normally indulge in anal sex and they don't encounter any problems.

Feel free to ask queries.
Take care.

Dr Rajiv Goel,
MS (AIIMS), MCh (AIIMS), DNB (Uro), Consultant Urologist and STD Specialist.

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your instant reply, but why the discomfort in the panis?, and what kind of bacterial infections i or she can get, though i am sure we are free from infectious diseases.

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 3 Days.

Dear sir,
The discomfort you are experiencing is probably because of the trauma of anal sex.
Anal sex will be traumatic for first few times but once the body gets accustomed, it will stop being so.
Stools have all kind of bacteria and there is always a possibility that you may get some infection although both of you are free from sexually transmitted infections.
Take care.
Dr. Rajiv Goel.

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