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Hi, I'm a 23 year old female and I have had a lot of reoccurring vision/ocular issues within the past year and a half. It all began when I first started taking an oral contraceptive pill and I had my first (What we think) ocular migraine or migraine with an aura. I was in the shower and all of a sudden my vision became warped like an oasis. I had light sensitivity and bad headaches very frequently.My PCP advised me to immediately stop the birth control pill since she believed i was showing signs of stroke and thickening blood, and so I discontinued the pill which was Microgestin fe 1/20. Since my symptoms didn't stop after stopping the birth control pill I saw a neurologist who ordered an MRI of my brain which came back normal (this was in November 2013.) She accounted it all to some type of migraine and wanted me on medication for it. I really didn't want to go on a medication because she listed off a lot of bad side effects and I'd rather treat it naturally if possible. Migraines and ocular migraines run in my family. My grandmother has them frequently where she sees broken glass. She also has lupus. When I was 10-11 years old I had abdominal migraines which I don't remember much but I would wake up every night and vomit violently and have diarrhea at the same time. I was put on a medication that chemo patients take to help the symptoms and gradually the abdominal migraines passed. I lived migraine free until age of 21 with the birth control incident. I wanted to give you a brief history before I get to the real problem. I have been evaluated by opthamologists and everything has looked fine in my eyes. One to two times per month I get an episode where my vision gets all warped and its like an oasis or as if I am looking under water. It is really scary but it only happens for about 1-2 minutes and then my vision is back to normal after. I normally don't even get a headache after. None of my doctors have been able or willing to get to the bottom of this. It is very difficult to live with and it does bother me. As a young female I really have goals in life and I don't want to be consumed with scary health issues. So yesterday was my 23rd birthday, and this morning I woke up at 7am from a sound sleep and I was 80% blind in my right eye. This has never happened before. I went to the bathroom, walked around for a bit and looked at my eye and it looked normal and the pupil dilated fine with light. So I went back to sleep since there was no pain. Around 11 am I woke up again and the blindness was back to normal vision. The night before I did have some nausea before going to bed which was a little unusual. Then later today after the morning blindness I felt numb in the head and throat and I had a mini panic. But I was soothed and felt better later on (possibly the numbness was anxiety). So today I couldn't be seen by an Opthamologist so they highly recommend that i got to the Emergency Room. At the ER they gave me no help and the MD had no idea what was going on with me so he paged the Opthamologist at the hospital but I waited 3 hours and we never heard back from the Opthamologist so I left on my own will. The ER doctor called me after I left and told me he got in touch with my Opthamologist who was very concerned about what happened. He thought that I may have had a small blood clot in my eye and he was upset that i left the hospital. So I called my opthamologist myself and he told me that he felt this problem was vascular and that I needed a neck and heart ultrasound since I do have a small PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) of the heart. He also felt that if he looked at my eye and dilated my pupils that he wouldn't see anything. He felt that I should also possibly get an MRI or MRA. And said that if I did have a blood clot, it would have already broken up. I also have borderline low platelet count that is around 160 I believe. The opthamologist thought that the PFO could have caused a blood clot or bad/ constricted blood flow to my eye resulting in blindness. He thinks that it could possibly be a serious issue and that the carotid artery should be looked at. The problem is I have a new health insurance and there was a glitch so my insurance isn't active until March 1st. The only way I can be covered is by going to the emergency room but the ER doctors are really clueless about the issues i'm dealing with. I really need to know your professional opinion on all this. Especially focusing on the blindness in the right eye episode that occurred. Should I be concerned? If yes, what tests should I get? Would you recommend and MRI/MRA or the heart/neck ultrasound that the Opthamologist recommend, or both? Also, maybe you think this blindness in the right eye was purely a migraine. My opthamologist didn't think it sounded like one. He actually wanted me to go back to the emergency room tonight if they could do those tests he wanted done. But they said they couldn't do a heart ultrasound overnight. I have had a heart ultrasound before that came back normal. I had a bubble test that confirmed the PFO but the doctor was not concerned. I get vertigo frequently and feel like I am going to fall over. I am in great shape, 100 lbs, I run 4 miles a day, and I eat as healthy as possible. I drink a glass of wine a day on avg. Non smoker… non drug user.

Category: Neurologist, Medical

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Category: Pediatric Neurologist
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for posting your query at
I have noted the detailed description of your symptoms. it was helpful in understanding the problem.
I would agree with your ophthalmologist that the most important condition is to exclude a small blood clot entering the ophthalmic artery (a branch of carotid artery). This condition is technically referred to as TIA- transient ischemic attack. So, the evaluation should include MRI and MR angiogram of brain, along with doppler ultrasound of carotid arteries. I have noted that you had a normal MRI in 2013.
In view of PFO, it may be important to discuss this (possible TIAs) with cardiologist and plan for PFO closure. There are now easy ways of closing PFO.
Ocular migraine is a second possibility. If all the above tests are normal, then, migraine should be considered. In that case, preventive medications may be needed.
I hope it helps.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

Patient replied :

Hi Doctor,
Thank you for your response. Can I ask though, what makes you feel that this is more of a blood clot/stroke issue over a migraine? Also, if I got an MRI what would you expect it to show? Assuming that if I had had a blood clot that it would be gone by now. Would the MRI show anything that would help diagnose this problem?
I believe that a TIA can only be seen in an MRI only after the first 24 hours of the incident. Is this correct?
Thank you,

Thank you for getting back.
In migraine, headache is commonly seen after visual disturbances. Absence of headache is less common. So, it is the second possibility here.
In MRI, we can see evidence of small clots in about 50% cases, similar to yours. In TIAs too, about 50% of MRI show small blood clots, as early as two hours after the incident.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

Patient replied :

So basically, this happened now well over 48 hours ago so an MRI of the brain will most likely not show anything. Right? At 23 years old could I really be at risk for stroke or blood clotting? I do have a small head, could this cause me to have carotid artery issues? I spoke with my neurologist over the phone who is a senior neurologist and the head of internal medicine at a well known hospital and she told me that she was very confident that what I had was a retinal migraine and that these tests are not necessary to do. She isnt concerened as my Opthamologist was. She said that I had pressure (like feeling in high altitude) around my right ear at the time of blindness in the right eye which could signify that it was a migraine. What do you think of this? You are both neurologists and have conflicting opinions. My neurologist said that if I did have a stroke I would not have regained vision in the right eye.
I also have normally low blood pressure around 100/60 that has been read at 80/40 before going to bed.
Since I am not covered by insurance until March 1st I need to know if I should wait until March 1st to see a specialist or if you feel it is urgent and that I should go to the hospital (where I am covered) to get tests?

Thank you for getting back.
As I discussed earlier, there remains two possibilities- minor stroke and retinal migraine.
At your young age, you have an increased risk of stroke because of PFO.
Small head size does not increase the risk of stroke or carotid artery disease.
MRI and MRA should be done sooner or later. It is not urgent. You can wait until March to see a specialist and do MRI.
Best wishes,

Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

Patient replied :

Hi, I have another concern. Recently I've been having constant "off-balanced" dizziness when I walk around. I feel fine when I am sitting. But I've had some nausea too. But yesterday I was singing and I was snapping my fingers iwth my right hand and all of a sudden I lost motor control of my right hand and following that my whole arm went completely numb. I did have some pain in my head but nothing severe. When my right arm went numb I panicked. I must add that I was doing arm exercises like drop push ups earlier. I called my neurologist today but never heard back. when I saw the neurologist they told me that I do not need an MRI and she believes that my problems are linked to migraines and low blood pressure. My boyfriend who I live with felt that It had something to do with my exercises and said I shouldnt worry. I have had numbness before but it hasnt happened for a while. Today I've felt numby all over my body (arms and legs) and I dont know if its from nerves or what. What should I do?

Thank you for getting back.
Transient weakness or numbness of arm could indicate TIA- transient ischemic attack, also known as minor brain stroke.
Please see a neurologist for confirmation, as soon as possible.
Exercise would not lead to similar symptoms.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Category: Pediatric Neurologist
Senior Residency, Fellowship: DM, Neurology, CMC, Vellore, 2001
Junior Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, CMC, Vellore, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Christian Medical College, Vellore, 1995
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