Red, swollen testis on ejaculation after TESTICULAR TORSION surgery.

Resolved question:
Hello my name is Sam I'm 25yrs old, I have previously 13 years ago had a testicular torsion and got them both operated on but since my left testicle is always hanging lower and get red and swollen and it can get uncomfortable and sometimes painful especially just after I have ejaculated, I'm not sure if it's a common thing to have cause it's has be torn before, should I be concerned :S thank you and sorry for the hideous pic but gives you an idea

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Urologist

Expert:  Dr. Rajiv Goel replied 4 Days.

Dear sir,
Thank you for your query at
You should certainly get examined and investigated with urinalysis and ultrasound scrotum. I don't expect anything major but still investigations are desirable to rule out minor problem.
You should use scrotal support so that testis stays elevated. Your pain as well as redness shall decrease.
You can have varicocele or epididymitis.
Varicocele is dilation of the testicular veins and leads to pain in testis, worsening of semen quality and testicular atrophy.
Epididymitis is inflammation of epididymis. It causes pain, redness and treatment is with antibiotics.

Take care
Rajiv Goel

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