Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com. I can understand your concern. I reviewed the picture.
This seems to be an aphthous ulcer. It occurs usually due to vitamin B complex deficiency. It doesn't seem to be related to your encounter. However, I would still recommend observing it. In case it increases or there is no improvement within a couple of days with the intake of vitamin B complex supplements, it would be the best to visit your dermatologist.
Please let me know if you have any queries. Take care
Patient replied :
Hi Dr. Kruti, Thank you very much for your response. As of today, August 30, I noticed the sore started to heal (The redness is not as much as before, and the pain is gone). In addition, Two days ago, I visited a primary physician just to have a second thought, and she looked at it and said exactly like what you said (lack of vitamins such as C and B). However, I find it a concidence to have this as it really been a long time since a had one. I read that canker sores also can be related to a change in the immune system. Do you think by any chance this can be a part of HIV ARS or something like that? Its day 23 after possible exposure and this is the only thing appeared, no fever or rash. Especially that I am paranoid whether the condom has a leak or something without my knowledge because the tip looked squeezed, hanging, and no air when I pulled out, with some semen inside it. (It was my first time actually to have sex so I lack experience but I can't really relax after that incident).
My second question, would that canker sore be related to Syphilis in the first stage? or they have different look? I read that it begins with one sore so I am concerned.
My last question is that there is a website that offers "HIV Early Detection Test" which is expensive. They claim it would detect it within 2 weeks and they have a lab near where I live.
https://www.stdtestexpress.com/hiv-early-test/ Is it true? Although I am waiting to test at day 29 (next week) just to be certain.
Do you think if I tested negative next week with this test, it would be conclusive for me? or I have to wait for the 3 months mark? Sorry for many questions but I am really concerned. Thanks so much for your time and help.
Thanks for your reply.
I can understand your concern.
The canker sore is not really a part of the flu like syndrome seen in hiv. It could be due to the friction caused by oral sex.
Regarding the tests, we usually do a baseline immediately after exposure and one after 3 months. Hence i would recommend one next week and one after 3 months to be totally sure.
Take care