Red patches on underside of scrotum with ingrown hair

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Hi, I am a 24 yo male, and I shaved my genital area with a razor 6 days ago. After shaving I had a few ingrown hairs, and sharp hair tips that itched, but these grew out. However, the skin on the underside of my scrotum has become red in 2 patches (left and right) and has tiny whitish bumps on the patch. I think these are razor bumps, but I am not sure. I have applied 1% hydrocortisol (for 2 days now). This temporarily soothes the area, but doesnt seem to cure the problem. I have heard about Tend Skin, but am wary against using an alcohol-based lotion. Some online articles also recommended witch-hazel. It stings pretty bad on both sides of my scotum whenever I walk. Will this problem go away on its own? P.S. I have not been sexually active recently, so I know its not STD related.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query.

From the picture, it seems to be a case of irritant contact dermatitis. It could be due to an allergy secondary to application of a cream or lotion over the area.

Hydrocortisone cream is very mild , you will need a steroid cream like mometasone which is of stronger potency. You will need a prescription for it.

I recommend you to not use any other substances on it like witch hazel etc as it may add to the severity.

It will resolve with proper treatment.

Take care
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Patient replied :

Well, the rash has been the same way (red patch) for 3 days before I applied any cream or lotion. Could it be because of the synthetics in my boxer shorts. The problem gets severely aggravated by friction with clothing.

As for the prescription, is there a way to get a it from you online?

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