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Red dots under penis skin without itch, open sores.

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Just recently, I have noticed red dots on the head of my penis and they look like they're underneath the skin. There is no itch and o have not had any open sores. My wife is pregnant and she says she currently has a yeast infection. Is this a yeast infection on my penis? I have also been tested for STDs and it came back negative. Any idea on what this might be? Should I be concerned?

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 25 Doctors Online

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Firstly I would like to say there is nothing to worry about. These lesions could be because of candidal/ yeast infection.
To treat the same, you may take a single dose of oral fluconazole 150 mg . Wash the area with luke warm water. Dont use soap, savlon or dettol to clean the area. Apply steroid antifungal cream like you may mix clotrimazole cream with beclomethasone cream and apply it twice daily. You should see improvement in five to seven days. Also if your wife has yeast infection, she should meet her gynaecologist to get it treated.
Hope this helped. Should there be any doubt please write back.
Take care

Patient replied :

Thank you for the response. How long until it get better? The red dots seem to fade, then come back. Again, there not really an itch...nothing more than normal.

It does not take more than a week or 10 days once you take the medicine.

Dr. Kalpana Pathak
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
M.D. from Pt. B D Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak in 2011 with Haryana State Dental & Medical Council
M.B.B.S from MLN medical college allahabad in 2006 with Uttar Pradesh Medical Council
Dr. Kalpana Pathak and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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