Reason for pain and tight muscle in shoulder.

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Resolved question:
I have a pain that is in my left shoulder. It is very uncomfortable, and it kind of feels like a tight muscle but i dont remember doing anything with this arm to hurt the myscle. The pain kind of slowly increases on my exhales and moves down into my arm a little from where my collarbone meets my shoulder. It started around 1AM and now its almost 8AM and I woke up about an hour ago because i was sleeping weird and my arms fell asleep. They are better now, but my left shoulder I is still achey. It is from under my left collarbone towards my underarm, but goes into my shoulder too

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
It seems like you have strained your muscle and that is causing the pain.
Did you sleep weird before too? Because a lot of people have a habit of sleeping prone, that is laying on the top of the arms. That puts a lot of strain on the shoulder joint. In fact it becomes a chronic pain and it may take around a month or two to heal.
I need to know what is your preferred sleeping position?
If you can avoid sleeping in any other position apart from supine ( laying down on your back ), for the next few days the pain should subside. I don't want you to start any painkiller unnecessarily, if the pain automatically corrects itself after you change your sleeping posture. Meanwhile you can use a muscle relaxant spray to get relief.
I am not concerned about other causes since there is no history of trauma or injury. It's also reducing on its own, so the posture seems most likely cause. This kind of pain mostly is felt all around the affected shoulder joint, underarm and back.
If it settles down on its own after using muslce relaxant within a day or two then no other intervention will be required.
If it doesn't settle in 2 days then you can take Tab. Myospas Forte BD twice a day, after food for 5 days. If it persists beyond a week then an x ray will be required.

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