Reason and Treatment for increased sex urge in women.

Resolved question:

I am Arun from bangalore i need to ask about problem related to sex , Kindly let me know whom to ask

i HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR 14 YEARS and ever since my sex life with my wife wasnot Good because of very have very severe and terrific horrible relationships which also includes lot of physical fights at times beacuse she used to call me other category for many years although i was performing with her and we have two children aged 11 and 4 , She does not respect my Job andthe stress i go through i in my job and i reach late in teh evening or night after work and she has nothing to do she demands for sex , she has so much sex urge my god i really feel terrific to say it but i am suffering , i had consulted a Urologist and my problems are rectified now after medication but her libido and sex urge is too much , if i dont give her she will get into arguements and physical fights and irritaing me with unnecessary reasons

Kindly let me know if there is any medication for reducing sex urge in women and to reduce her libido , she will not take medications from me as we have very bad relationships currently ,is there any medication in the form of juice or some eatabe so that i can share with her over a talk or something which can reduce her libido

Kindly let me know as i am suffering very badly

Arun Dwarakanath
Mobile - 9901762020


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexologist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for the query at

I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
However I would like to know a couple of things before I proceed to solve your problem

1) How frequent are the sexual urges of your wife? Like how many times per day/week?
2) Has it been so all through 15 years or is it recently?
3) have you spoken to her about this issue?
Kind regards,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

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Patient replied :

1) Her sexul uge is too much off late its increased , Per day even two three times is fine with her 2) She was not so much interested in sex but off late her urge is Too much 3) I have spoken to her but she is no way comprising on it she seems to enjoy ,but it is a Big trouble for me 4) These days when i am unable to have sex becayse of work stress and late hours , she forces me to have sex very badly and infact also fights with me verbally, physically by saying filthy things 5)UROLOGISTS had sugested meto take TAZEL 20 before intercourse and he had also told me my testosterone levels are low it was some 200 6)he suggested a injection for 3 months starting with c leter dont remember teh name however i did not take it where i take this tazel because of pressure from my wife 7) she becomes depressed and fights also sometimes ,
Kindly let me know how to reduce the urge in her
Regard Arun

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 3 Days.

Thanks for the follow-up details. Tazel is a drug which is given when there is premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can lead to the frustration in partner. However if you do not have premature ejaculation, then your wife is certainly having hypersexuality.
Hypersexuality is not very uncommon and can occur as a part of the mood disorder such as mania or it could be a de-no-vo hypersexualty.
If it is due to mania then there has to be accompanying features like big talks, excess talks, elated mood, reduced need for sleep, excessive energy etc. If she has these above mentioned features, then she will require Divaloproex Sodium or Lithium to manage her mania. If it is a de-no-vo mania then she will require Naltrexone. It blocks the opioid receptors and reduce the pleasure involved in having sex. This will reduce her sexual appetite. Even hypersexuality can be due to obsessions and in that case Fluoxetine or Fluvoxamine can help her. In short the cause for her hypersexulaity needs to be evaluated. Urologist may not be the right person. The right person would be a sexologist or a psychiatrist. You may discuss with her the need to seek help for the relationship. Do not blame her but approach her with tact. Get a psychiatry consultation for both of you and then the cause can be evaluated. Hope this helps. If you have any query, feel free to ask further.
Kind regards.

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Patient replied :

Hi DoctorBoth of us have met a Physcitrist before two times and based on 3 sittings of talks with each other Daxid 50 mg for & nexito 5 mg for me was given prescribed because of a lot of emotional stress which we have gone through Inspite of all this i am still suffering the same infact the reasons of wat she could feels like which yu have written is very true I think its due to mania then there has to be accompanying features like big talks, excess talks, elated mood, reduced need for sleep, excessive energy etc. If she has these above mentioned features, then she will require Divaloproex Sodium or Lithium to manage her mania.Infact everyday she is awake almost whole night murmuring and scolding me Kindly let me knowRegards Arun

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 2 Days.

Hello. Thanks for the follow up query. It could be a presentation of mania. You need to have a consultation again, with some other psychiatrist perhaps. You may even suggest this diagnosis to him/her. She certainly requires treatment. Only treating stress will not help.
I hope this was helpful. If you have any further query, do let me know.

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