Resolved question:
I do not know the Specialty. Please help. I am concerned about SULFUR Levels, the Cystathionine beta synthase (CBS) Mutation Gene, and Amino Acids. Several years ago, I took 3,000 micrograms of Biotin for about 6 months for my hair, nails, and skin. Gradually, I developed a sore throat that would not go away. From time to time, I had headaches, felt light-headed, congested, and fatigued. These symptoms occurred after I ate certain foods, either shortly after, or 4 to 8 hours later. The foods were cruciferous vegetables, dairy products, wine, some bread, onions, garlic, and coffee (decaf or regular). I had never had these problems before. I also developed a histamine problem (runny nose) with kiwi, apples, and grapefruit. I stopped eating many of these foods. I stopped taking Biotin. I ate rice and barley, and some animal proteins--not foods that caused symptoms.
I took an allergy test. No allergies to these foods. Allergist prescribed Allegra-D and Nasonex for Allergic Rhinitis. About 6 weeks later, I was all right. The Allergist did not know why I had sore throat or other symptoms regarding foods. Still, I believe he helped me. The Allergist is now retired. I could eat all the above foods again.
Early in 2014, I took N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) 600 mg twice a day for about 4 to 6 months to boost immune system. Dosage called for 1 to 4 capsules daily. I took 2. Same symptoms developed gradually, ONLY after eating the above foods. Again, I developed headaches, light-headedness, congestion, and runny nose. I took Allegra-D (now generic). Another Allergist prescribed Nasonex. If I eat these foods again, the symptoms continue.
Initially, I had looked up both Biotin and NAC for side effects. Both appeared to be common supplements and highly praised. I looked up NAC again. NAC is SULFUR-rich--and so are Biotin, B1, and some other supplements, along with CRUCIFEROUS Vegetables and other foods. I then found a reference to Cystathionine beta Synthase (CBS), a mutation gene. I stopped taking NAC, and again am on a diet without problem-causing foods. I am concerned that I may now have excessive SULFER Levels, and also CBS. Daily, I take Vitamin D (2000 IU); Magnesium Glycinate, 360 mg; and Calcium Carbonate, 600 mg.
Can I be tested for SULFUR Levels (L-Cysteine, Plasma Blood Test?) and the CBS Mutation Gene? Are there any Vitamins or Minerals that bind to Sulfur to remove excess amounts from the Body. Thank you very much. Angelina Sauceda
4 Days
March 20, 2015
Dr. Sebastian:
Thank you for your response. The following is additional information and questions about Sulphur toxicity.
I am 75 years old and I have eaten these foods all of my life without any problem. The food problems always developed several months AFTER I took the Biotin or the NAC supplements. In the past, the problems with food stopped following medication along with the elimination of the supplements.
Additional Information:
When I was in my late 60’s, I took Calcium for my bones. I also took Magnesium (Oxide) for my bones and because it was considered beneficial for the heart. About 3 years ago, I changed to Magnesium Glycinate because I read that it provides more absorption and more bioavailability. About 5 years ago, I started taking Vitamin D3.
I understand that Thiamine is also Sulphur-rich. Towards the end of your response, you say:
“It (Sulphur?) affects mostly the neurological system by interfering with thiamine absorption. So if Sulphur toxicity ever happens, the recommended treatment is thiamine supplementation, and the effects are rapidly reversed.”
Does Sulphur toxicity mean too much Sulphur? If there is too much Sulphur, how does Thiamine, which is Sulphur-rich, reverse the toxicity?
If Thiamine does work, what is the normal time period to see the reversal?
Thank you very much for your help.
Angelina Sauceda
Hello Angelina,
Thank you for additional information.
I will advise you to continue just with the calcium and vitamin d3 supplements.
Yes, when there is excess of free sulphur in the blood stream, it enters the receptors instead of thiamine leading to neurological symptoms. You're absolutely right about thiamine containing sulphur but it is not free sulphur and hence since it is in bound form, it is actually helpful towards body's different activities. Free sulphur inhibits the functioning of thiamine and hence excess of thiamine is given to make sure more of thiamine is available to engage the receptors instead of free sulphur.