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Hardly getting sleep due to work tension. Treatment?

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HI I am from Abhishek India less than br greater than Normally my working hours starts from after noon to mid night. less than br greater than I am suffering from lots of tension due to which i hardly get sleep at night less than br greater than So to keep my self busy i work on laptop . From last few month i was sleeping at morning 6 and get up at 12 less than br greater than Now it got changed to morning 6:30 to after noon 4:30.So after returning i get a sleep of 2-3 hrs. less than br greater than Bu i never get feel sleepy at night please suggest. less than br greater than

Category: Psychiatrist

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Thanks for using for posting your query.
I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
The rhythm of the body is decided by the melatonin secretion which in turn depends on the day light and darkness. Melatonine starts secreting during night times as the natural sunlight reduces.Melatonine induces sleep.That's the reason why one sleeps during the night time and keeps awake during day time. The rhythm that you are living, is an aberration in this regard and in long run may cause problems in physical health.
This can be corrected by some measures. Firstly you need to follow steps of good sleep hygiene:
1) Have some aerobic workouts during day preferably in the morning.
2) Have a light dinner.
3) Completely avoid coffee/tea/alcohol/energy drinks/coke/smoking.
4) Have a warm water bath before going to sleep.
5) Dont try very hard to go to sleep. If you are not sleepy then sit on a couch or sofa and do some reading and go to the bed only when you are sleepy.
6) Avoid watching tv or working on laptop/computer or bright screens at night.
7) Keep the lighting of your bedroom dim and make your bed every morning after you wake up so that you get a cozy bed to sleep at night.
8) Use your bedroom only for sleeping and resting and do not do any other work there.
9) Avoid afternoon nap for any reason.
Further you may also take some add-on melatonine available in the market with prescription (Meltofast) to reschedule your cycle. If necessary, even sleeping pills may be considered for 1-2 weeks to regularize the sleep cycle and ones the cycle is adjusted, the sleep aids can be withdrawn.
Hope this helps,
In case if you have any further query, do let me know.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

Patient replied :

Thank you for your quick response. Actually both my wife and me stay away from my parents,so each and every responsibility I have to handle. My fooding habit is also weird.I wake up even in the night at 2 or 3 am and have either noodles or some snacks. I feel hungry very often and as I do such things my wife gets irritated and shouts on me. My behaviour has also affected,I generally behave in an arrogant nature when someone nags me. I become stubborn and dont act as per my wife's expectation. Presently she has conceived and due to office work and all I am unable to give her ample time. I am at stake and want to change my routine in order to lead a normal life. Please help and advice how to cope up everything.

A disturbed sleep pattern is many times responsible for the behavioural changes and irritability. Ones the sleep cycle regularizes, irritability should come down. Please consider adopting all the sleep techniques that have been listed above. If the irritability still persists then a short course of medicines such as escitalopram or mirtazapine may help in reducing the problem.
Hope this helps,
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Category: Sexologist
Doctor of Medicine (MD), Psychiatry Residency Program,2001 – 2012
M.B.B.S,Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences, Sevagram

Certificate Course in sex Therapy and Counselling, Sexology and Counselling, A
Sexology,Medikon Sexual Sciences, Mumbai

Training in Advanced Neurology at a leading corporate hospital (CARE hospital) in Hyderabad

Child Psychiatry Training in National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore

Sex Therapy and Counsellingat MEDIKON Sexual Sciences, Mumbai.
Dr. Srikanth Reddy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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