Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
Can you kindly elaborate ' It appears and starts after 4-5 days '? Does it start and then stop and again start after 5 days? Is that what you meant?
Did you check your thyroid profile recently?
Feel free to discuss further,
Patient replied :
Hi Dr.Deepu Sebin,
It appers and starts after 45 days means
menustral appers like spotting it continues like that for 4-5 days after that bleeding starts
Hello Bhavana,
I can understand that it is very difficult as the cycles are never on time.
Hypothyroidism can significantly contribute towards irregular menstruation and your thyroid values need to be checked. Normally th dose is kept the same for Thyroxine tablets ( either 75/ 100 mcg daily ). Did an endocrinologist suggest you to take 2 tablets and then 1 tablet for the rest of the week? This can further affect the values.
What is your height and weight? Did you ever get yourself evaluated for PCOS?
Dr. Jaydeep
Patient replied :
HI dr.jaydeep
My endocrinologist suggested me to take 2 tablets I.e 75 mcg im using nonow.once in a week rest of the days only one tablet. I did my last consultation with endocrinologist 2 months back .my weight is 56.8 and my height is 5.1 feefeet . could you please let me know what is PCOS
Thank you for the follow-up.
PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a common condition, where the menstrual cycle is irregular. This needs to be ruled out after doing an Ultrasound of the abdomen.
You also need to get a detailed evaluation of your hormones done including FSH, LH, Serum Progesterone and Oestrogen. Lastly, a thyroid profile also needs to be repeated.
Please get back to me with the values so that I can guide you further.
Dr. Jaydeep
Patient replied :
hi dr.jJay deep ,thanks for the quick response.Can you please suggest me what the test named. when can I do that. I mean in menstrual cycle time or normal Days.
Please suggest the name of the test. so that I can send you the valuesvaluess
Regards. ,
Yes, I will list them out for you.
- Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
- Thyroid Profile ( T3, T4, TSH )
- Serum FSH, LH ( Day 2-7 of your cycle ).
- Serum Estrogen, Progesterone around the same time.
Hope this was helpful,
Dr. Jaydeep