Problem conceiving

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Resolved question:
Helo doc,i expereince light spotting last month for 2 days,i wash my private part and ther was lil bit blood clots,-ve PT,this months i still have light spotting,after intercourse i wipe wish tissue and there was watery light bleed,PT still -ve,my cycle is within 28 dys to 4+ dys,i took prenatal vits brand shaklee bcomplex with folic acid,what exactly hapen?TTC for 3yrs now

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for choosing Doctor Spring. Spotting in between periods can happen due to hormonal imbalance, underactive thyroid, uterine conditions(polyps,genital warts,tumors) vaginal dryness, miscarriage etc.

Have you been investigated for infertility? Was any blood tests performed, if so provide us with the details to help you better. You can write to us as follow up, so that we can judge the situation better.

Uterine conditions like polyps, warts, endometriosis could be cause spotting and can also interfere with conception. Fallopian tubes blockage also leads to infertility.

Here are my recommendations:
1. As you are TTC since 3 years, it requires complete evaluation for confirmation of the cause. You partner also needs to get examined.

2. Estimation of thyroid hormones, prolactin levels, estrogen and progesterone should be done.

3. Hysterosalpingogram needs to be done to check uterus and fallopian tubes.

4. Last but not the least stress can also contribute to infertility, hence measures to tackle stress need to taken.

5.Consult your OBGYN for examination and investigations.

Hope this helps.
Do write to us with additional information to help you better.

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Patient replied :

hy doc,having my period today with very light watery blood,is this the right time if i want to take clomid before taking any infertility test?this is my first time to consume clomid or any medicine so that i can have my normal period (more blood),tq doc

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for writing back to us. You should not consume clomid (clomiphene) without indication. The prime indication of clomid is to induce ovulation in women who are wishing conceive, but unable to ovulate. This drug should be used only under the observation of your OBGYN upon requirement.

It is not used to induce periods.

Here are my recommendations:
1. You should undergo evaluation by your OBGYN for infertility. Depending upon the cause treatment should be initiated.
2. Follicular study should be done to confirm ovulation. If ovulation is happening then other reasons for infertility should be evaluated.
3. The period that you are experiencing could be your regular period itself, but if it is very light, you should be testing for pregnancy for confirmation.

Hope this helps.
Do write to us for follow ups.
Thank you.

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Patient replied :

Helo again,my test was still -ve,gastic attack,bloated,i did drink ginger tea for two days now so that no blood clot,i did this because i am sure i am not pregnant tho we r trying,but still not showing much blood only light pink watery blood,i think its the right time for us to tke infertility test maybe

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Thank you for writing back to us. Yes it is important for you and your partner to get tested for infertility before attempting any treatment.

Spotting or light bleeding in contrast to regular flow could be du eto the influence of hormones(thyroid or female hormones), hence evaluation is important.

Tests recommended for you are:
1. Blood work for thyroid, female hormones, prolactin levels
2. Hysterosalpingogram.
3. Follicular study

Tests for your partner include:
1.Semen analysis.

Also, both of you need to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

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