Thank you for your query, it is really unfortunate to know that you have been suffering from premature ejaculation. Do not get anxious. I think your problem is more physiological than physical, because premature ejaculation is a physiological problem .It is related with physiological consequences like stress, fear, and anxiety. Premature ejaculation cannot solve by anxiety pills. Anti anxiety medications are not be a choice for premature ejaculation also. You may need to make up some changes in your lifestyle which may help to handle with situation, like swimming, walking, aerobic exercise, bike riding, jogging etc. Some other factors such as Yoga and meditation also help to reducing anxiety and stress. Sound sleep and a healthy diet would definitely improve your quality of life and performance. Love and trust in your partner and keeping positive thoughts to enjoy sex are some of the other factors affecting healthy relationship. If you are not satisfied with these measures, you may consult your physician for more detailed evaluation. Because he can help in suggesting remedies in the form of medicine or some other method. I hope you have been appeased your concern well.Wish you all the best. And get well soon.