Possible menisceal tear

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Hello. I am a person that has not had any physical activity in at least 7 years. Last week, I started going to this gym where they do wall climbing. On the second day of class/working out, as I was climbing the wall, I torqued my left knee. I had this click kind of feeling inside my left knee and a sharp pain for a short period of time. The knee felt loose afterwards but had no pain; of course, I didn't put any weight on it as I carefully climbed back down.

Now, every time I walk if I turn on that leg, there is a sharp pain, as if my leg can't take any type of torque. Other than the torque motion though, there is no pain and it can take weight.

Any idea what could have happened? Could it be something I need to get looked at? Or could I nurse it myself?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

The knee pain you are experiencing, as I understand is particularly prominent during twisting / pivoting the knee. I hope this is what you meant by torquing .

Assessing the mechanism of injury and the clinical features - there is a possibility of meniscal tear or injury. But the good news is that it is most likely to be a minor tear. Meniscus is pad of cartilaginous tissue which gives a cushion to the knee joint. It could get injured in certain traumas related to knee joint. Other possibility is a non specific soft tissue injury around the knee.

You should rest in the knee is a neutral position. DO NOT bear any extra weight. If you easy acess to medical care, do get in touch with your Doctor. The next plan will be a Physical examination (there are certain techniques which can be done to check for meniscal / ACL injury) . If the suspicion is strong and/ or if the symptoms are severe persisting you may require a MRI study of the knee

Hope this helps
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