myself aged 40 recently having a problem. i don't know is it normal or not but i am little worried. i am recently peeing less amount of yellow urine during or after the work. even i am not having the urge to do so inspite of consuming considerable amount of water. but when i come home take rest and drink a glass of water i start to urinate normally. previously this has not happened and i used to pee normally after reaching home from work. this is to inform that my work involves lot of walking during the day. i am also feeling a dull pain often on my backs, flanks, lower abdomen, groin. testicles,even in the penis also but the pain comes and goes very quickly within few seconds to minutes not more than that. recently i did a routine urinanalysis which is very normal. i am not a hypertensive(checked my bp)and my blood sugar is more or less normal(fasting bld sgr-106, hba1c-5.7) pls advice
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Hello,Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.comTo advice you best i would need - 1. Ultrasound abdomen and pelvis.2. Urine examination.3. Renal function tests.I will review after these investigations. In the meanwhile please feel free to ask any queries.Dr Gautam Banga
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