Panic attack, heart racing on ARMOUR for thyroid problem.

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I was prescribed 30mg Armour. My thyroid blood work was normal:
T-4 1.05
TSH 1.4
T-3 3.3

I have been told i likely have fibromyalgia but that thyroid can also have these symptoms so to try the Armour.
I only took it for four days as on the fourth day i started to have panic attack feelings with heart racing etc... and feared it was the Armour causing this. During the first few days of taking it i did notice an improvement with my pain and much better energy (which could be a coincednse and i do get good and bad days anyways.
Do you think it is safe for me to try again and see if it helps or was the panicky feeling attack a sign that i don't need the Armour.
I am in bad pain daily, tired and always cold. If you feel it is ok for me to try the Armour again is it fine to take before bed?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Endocrinologist

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
Your thyroid functions are normal. You don't need the Armour.
It is causing those symptoms because of excess of thyroid hormones.
Your symptoms may be due to excess thyroid from the Armour.
Please consult your endocrinologist and stop the drug.
Feel free to discuss further,

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