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Painful urination and blisters in vagina

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I am a twenty four year old woman. I am also having a painful urination for past few days plus fever, ache in thighs & lower back. Kindly help me out with the situation. Have developed blisters in vaginal area. I am also having a painful urination for past few days.  Am I infected with some Genital herpes as shown in Genital herpes Pictures?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 24 Doctors Online

Dear Doctor,

     This could be the indication of genital herpes. This kind of viral infection spreads through sexual contact with a person who is always suffering with this infection. Mostly anal & oral sex are the main causes for spread of genital herpes. A virus called herpes simplex virus causes this infection.  Since you are having frequent fever with blisters in vaginal area, this gives a clear indication of herpes infection.Well you may have to undergo certain tests which will confirm the severity of the infection. Some blood tests along with the sample fluid taken from the blister will reveal the infection level. Although there is no cure for genital herpes however certain antiviral drugs can be of great help in getting relief from distress & ache. Also these antiviral drugs will prevent the herpes virus from spreading further in the body.  If you are having frequent outbreaks, you may have to take a daily dose of this antiviral medicine. These drugs & medications may have some side effects on your body during preliminary period of their intake which theGenital herpes Pictures does not show or focus and theyinclude: headache, fatigue & nausea.

Well apart from the medications, certain precautions can be taken at home itself.  Inorder to reduce the ache & distress, you can wear cotton stuff which may not cause further rashes. Luke warm water is also recommended for you while taking a shower.Incase your blisters grow further, you should immediately consult a doctor for antibiotic medication.  Care also needs to be taken while having a sexual intercourse with your partner.  The partner is advised to use condoms while having sexual intercourse.If the severity & distress increase you should rather avoid having sexual intercourse. Best wishes.

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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